In 2009 I started a PhD on the management of protected areas in Madagascar and for about a decade I published widely on the island’s biodiversity and how to conserve it. I’m no longer research active but still write the occasional essay on the need for academics to move from publications to public actions and embrace activism, and the implications of climate change for conservation.
I have a full list of publications on Google Scholar and many of the papers may be available open access via the journal websites linked below, or on my ResearchGate profile. For any others, please email me and I’ll be happy to send the PDF.
I have a full list of publications on Google Scholar and many of the papers may be available open access via the journal websites linked below, or on my ResearchGate profile. For any others, please email me and I’ll be happy to send the PDF.
On Academic Activism
PhD Papers
On Madagascar’s Small-scale FisheriesGardner CJ, Cripps G, Prémesnil Day L, Dewar K, Gough C, Peabody S, Tahindraza G, Harris A 2020 A decade and a half of learning from Madagascar’s first locally managed marine area. Conservation Science and Practice 2: e298.
Gardner CJ, Gough C, Levrel A, Singleton RL, Vincke X, Harris A 2017. Value chain challenges in two community-managed fisheries in western Madagascar: insights for the small-scale fisheries guidelines. In The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global Implementation, S. Jentoft, R. Chuenpagdee, M.J. Barragan-Palladines and N. Franz (Eds.), pp. 335–354. Springer International Publishing. Gardner CJ, Latham JE, Rocliffe S 2017. Intended and unintended outcomes in fisheries learning exchanges: lessons from Mexico and Madagascar. Marine Policy 77: 219–226. Andriamalala G, Peabody S, Gardner CJ, Westerman K 2013. Using social marketing to foster sustainable behaviour in traditional fishing communities of southwest Madagascar. Conservation Evidence 10: 37–41. Andriamalala G, Gardner CJ 2010. L’utilisation du dina comme outil de gouvernance des ressources naturelles: leçons tirés de Velondriake, sud-ouest de Madagascar. Tropical Conservation Science 3: 447–472. Cripps G, Gardner CJ 2016. Human migration and marine protected areas: insights from Vezo fishers in Madagascar. Geoforum 74: 49–62. Carter AL, Gilchrist H, Dexter KG, Gardner C, Gough C, Rocliffe S and Wilson AMW 2022 Cyclone impact on coral communities in southwest Madagascar. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 753325. Rakotomahazo C, Ravaoarinorotsihoarana LA, Glass L, Mahafina J, Gardner CJ 2019 Participatory planning of a community-based payments for ecosystem services initiative in Madagascar’s mangroves. Ocean and Coastal Management 175: 43–52. Westerman K, Gardner CJ 2013. Adoption of socio-cultural norms to increase community compliance in permanent marine reserves in southwest Madagascar. Conservation Evidence 10: 4–9. Observational Notes of Madagascar’s BiodiversityGardner CJ, Radolalaina P, Rajerison M, Greene HW 2015. Cooperative rescue and predator fatality involving a group-living strepsirrhine, Coquerel’s sifaka (Propithecus coquereli), and a Madagascar ground boa (Acrantophis madagascariensis). Primates 56: 127–129.
Gardner CJ, Jasper LD 2018 Miscellaneous behavioural observations of Malagasy birds. Madagascar Conservation & Development 13: 70–74. Gardner CJ, McDonnell N, Ellis C, Jasper LD 2017. Observations of aquatic behaviour in Malagasy ground boas Acrantophis madagascariensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1844) and A. dumerili Jan, 1860. Herpetology Notes 10: 271–273. Gardner CJ, Germain N, de Foucault C 2013. Heaviest recorded specimen of Madagascar ground boa Acrantophis madagascariensis (Serpentes: Boidae). Herpetology Notes 6: 553–554. Gardner CJ, Jasper LD 2015. Diet of the endemic Malagasy day gecko Phelsuma modesta leiogaster Mertens,1970 in an urban environment. Herpetology Notes 8: 489–492. Gardner C, Jasper L 2015 A fish-scaled gecko (Geckolepis sp.) escapes predation by a velvet gecko (Blaesodactylus sp.) through skin shedding. Herpetology Notes 8: 479–481. Gardner CJ, Jasper LD 2015. Third record of pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) for Madagascar. Malagasy Nature 9: 111–112. Gardner CJ, Jasper LD 2015. Discovery of an island population of dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleidae: Cheirogaleus) on Nosy Hara, far northern Madagascar. Primates 56: 307–310. Gardner C, Vincke X, Jasper L 2015. Additions to the urban herpetofauna of Toliara, southwest Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 8: 47–49. Gardner CJ, Jasper LD 2014. A record of vertebrate carnivory by the crested drongo (Dicrurus forficatus). Malagasy Nature 8: 105–106. Gardner CJ, Jasper L 2014. Northwards range extension of the littoral rock thrush Monticola imerinus in south-west Madagascar. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 21: 89–90. Gardner CJ, Jasper L 2014. Accipiter henstii (Schlegel, 1873) (Falconiformes: Accipitridae): new distribution record from southwest Madagascar. Check List 10: 164–165. Gardner C, Jasper L 2013. New locality records for Boophis xerophilus and B. doulioti (Anura: Mantellidae) from Bezà Mahafaly Special Reserve, southwest Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 6: 477–478. Gardner C 2013. Observation of reed bed use by Furcifer verrucosus (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) in southwest Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 6: 21–22. Gardner C, Jasper L 2012. Paroedura picta in southern Madagascar: diet and predation by the introduced Hemidactylus frenatus. Herpetology Notes 5: 457–458. Gardner C, Jasper L 2012. Cannibalism in Chalarodon madagascariensis (Squamata: Iguanidae) from southwest Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 5: 127–128. Gardner C, Jasper L, Vincke X 2011. Sakalava weaver nesting association with raptors: an alternative hypothesis. Malagasy Nature 5: 129–131. Gardner CJ, Jasper L 2011. Status of barn swallow Hirundo rustica in south-west Madagascar. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 18: 207–210. Gardner C, Jasper L, Razafinarivo N 2011. A new, isolated population of Oplurus (Iguanidae) from Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park, western Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 4: 253–254. Gardner C, Jasper L 2010. New locality records for Phelsuma breviceps and Cryptoblepharus boutonii ssp. from Andavadoaka, southwest Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 3: 233–235. Gardner CJ, Jasper L 2009. Possible new Mirza taxon from the Fiherenana River valley, Atsimo-Andrefana Region. Lemur News 14: 46–49. Gardner C, Jasper L 2009. The urban herpetofauna of Toliara, southwest Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 2: 239–242. Rosa GM, Bergò PE, Andreone F, Crottini A, Jasper L, Gardner CJ 2016. Insights into the feeding behavior of Madagascarophis meridionalis Domergue, 1987, from Isalo, Madagascar. Herpetozoa 29: 103–107. Taylor B, Gardner C 2014. Nectar feeding by the day gecko Phelsuma mutabilis (Squamata: Gekkonidae) on the mangrove tree Sonneratia alba (Lythraceae) in southwest Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 7: 85–87. MiscellaneousGardner CJ 2020. Not teaching what we practice: undergraduate conservation training at UK universities lacks interdisciplinarity. Environmental Conservation 48: 65–70.
Gardner CJ 2012. Social learning and the researcher-practitioner divide. Oryx 46: 313–314. Gardner CJ 2022 Book Review: Being Ethical among Vezo People: Fisheries, Livelihoods, and Conservation in Madagascar. Anthropos 117: 570–571. Gardner CJ 2016. Book Review: Birds of Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands: Seychelles, Comoros, Mauritius, Reunion and Rodrigues. The Condor 118: 864–865. Anagnostou M, Moreto WD, Gardner CJ, Doberstein B 2021 Poverty, pandemics and wildlife crime. Conservation and Society 19: 294–306. Butler P, Copsey JA, Gardner C 2018 Engaging island communities: social marketing and behaviour change. In Species Conservation: Lessons from Islands, JA Copsey, SA Black, JJ Groombridge, CG Jones (Eds.), pp. 325–356. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Downey H et al. 2021. Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2: e12032. Evans DM, Redpath SM, Evans SA, Elston DA, Gardner CJ, Dennis P, Pakeman RJ 2006 Low intensity, mixed livestock grazing improves the breeding abundance of a common insectivorous passerine. Biology Letters 2: 636–638. |
On Conservation and Climate ChangeGardner CJ, Bullock J 2021. In the climate emergency, conservation must become survival ecology. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2: 659912.
Gardner CJ, Struebig M, Davies ZG 2020 Conservation must capitalise on climate’s moment. Nature Communications 11: 109. Gardner CJ, Bicknell JB, Baldwin-Cantello W, Struebig M, Davies ZG 2019 Quantifying the impacts of defaunation on natural forest regeneration in a global meta-analysis. Nature Communications 10: 4590. Kavousi J, Goudarzi F, Izadi M, Gardner CJ 2020. Conservation needs to evolve to survive in the post-pandemic world. Global Change Biology 26: 4651-4653. Thierry A, Bullock JM, Gardner CJ 2022 The recent past is not a reliable guide to future climate impacts: response to Caro et al (2021). Conservation Letters 15(6): e12915. Other Papers on Biodiversity and Conservation in MadagascarGardner CJ, Nicoll ME, Birkinshaw C, Harris A, Lewis RE, Rakotomalala D, Ratsifandrihamana AN 2018 The rapid expansion of Madagascar’s protected area system. Biological Conservation 220: 29–36.
Gardner CJ, Waeber PO, Razafindratsima OH, Wilmé L 2018 Decision complacency and conservation planning. Conservation Biology 32: 1469–1472. Gardner CJ, Andriamahenina Z, Carro A, Jones TG, Jasper LD. 2017. Rapid assessments and local knowledge reveal high bird diversity in mangroves of north-west Madagascar. Wetlands Ecology and Management 25: 45–58. Gardner CJ 2022. The impact of habitat change on Madagascar’s birds. The New Natural History of Madagascar, SM Goodman (Ed.), pp. 1603–1608. Princeton University Press, Princeton. Gardner CJ 2016. Use of mangroves by lemurs. International Journal of Primatology. 37: 317–332. Gardner CJ, Vincke X, Rafanomezantsoa S, Virah-Sawmy M 2015. Oblique aerial photography: a novel tool for the monitoring and participatory management of protected areas. PARKS 21: 13–28. Gardner CJ 2014. Publishing for conservation and development? Madagascar Conservation & Development 9: 3–4. Gardner CJ, De Ridder C, De Ridder B, Jasper L 2012. Birds of Ambondrolava mangrove complex, southwest Madagascar. Check List 8: 1–7. Gardner CJ, Kidney D, Thomas H 2009. First comprehensive avifaunal survey of PK32-Ranobe, a new protected area in south-western Madagascar. Phelsuma 17: 20–39. Gardner CJ, Fanning E, Thomas H, Kidney D 2009 The lemur diversity of the Fiherenana-Manombo Complex, southwest Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation and Development 4: 38–43. Gardner CJ, Ferguson B, Rebara F, Ratsifandrihamanana AN 2008. Integrating traditional values and management regimes into Madagascar’s expanded protected area system: the case of Ankodida. In Protected Landscapes and Cultural and Spiritual Values, JM Mallarach (Ed.) pp. 92–103. IUCN, GTZ and Obra Social de Caixa Catalunya. Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg. Crottini, A, Gardner CJ, Pedrono M, Jenkins RKB, Behra O, Ramy A, Raxworthy CJ 2022. Conservation challenges and in-situ and ex-situ approaches to reptile conservation. In The New Natural History of Madagascar, SM Goodman (Ed.), pp. 1446–1452. Princeton University Press, Princeton. D’Cruze N, Sable J, Green K, Dawson J, Gardner C, Robinson J, Starkie G, Vences M, Glaw F 2007 The first comprehensive survey of amphibians and reptiles at Montagne des Français, Madagascar. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2: 87–99. D’Cruze NC, Green KE, Robinson JE, Gardner CJ 2006 A rapid assessment of the amphibians and reptiles of an unprotected area of dry deciduous forest in north Madagascar. Herpetological Bulletin 96: 17–25. Ferguson B, Gardner CJ, Andriamarovololona MM, Healy T, Muttenzer F, Smith S, Hockley N, Gingembre M 2014. Governing ancestral land in Madagascar: have policy reforms contributed to social justice? In Governance for Justice and Environmental Sustainability: Lessons across Natural Resource Sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa, M Sowman, R Wynberg (Eds.) pp. 63–93. Routledge, London. Ferguson B, Gardner CJ 2010. Looking back and thinking ahead – where next for conservation in Madagascar? Madagascar Conservation & Development 5: 75–76. Irwin MT, Wright PC, Birkinshaw C, Fisher B, Gardner CJ, Glos J, Goodman SM, Loiselle P, Rabeson P, Raharison JL, Raherilalao MJ, Rakotondravony D, Raselimanana A, Ratsimbazafy J, Sparks J, Wilmé L, Ganzhorn JU 2010. Patterns of species change in anthropogenically disturbed habitats of Madagascar. Biological Conservation 142: 2351–2362. Llopis JC, Gardner CJ, Vincke X 2015 Land-use and land-cover change in a global biodiversity conservation priority. The case of the spiny forest of Madagascar. GLP News 12: 14–18. Murphy A, Ferguson B, Gardner CJ. 2017. Recent estimates of ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) population sizes are methodologically flawed and misleading. International Journal of Primatology 38: 623–628. Raselimanana AP, Raherilalao MJ, Soarimalala V, Gardner CJ, Jasper LD, Schoeman MC, Goodman SM 2012. Un premier aperçu de la faune de vertébrés du bush épineux de Salary-Bekodoy, à l’ouest du Parc National de Mikea, Madagascar. Malagasy Nature 6: 1–23. Rasoamanana A, Tahina, RF, Gardner CJ 2023 Linking institutional weaknesses to deforestation drivers in the governance of protected areas in Madagascar. In Power Dynamics in African Forests: The Politics of Global Sustainability, S. Ongolo & M. Krott (Eds.), pp. 188–209. Routledge, Abingdon. Robinson JA, Raharimalala J, Bicknell J, St John F, Griffiths RA, Razafimanahaka, JH, Gardner C 2022. Use of native animals by local communities in Madagascar. Environmental Challenges 8: 100577. Sabel J, Green K, Dawson J, Robinson J, Gardner C, Starkie G, D’Cruze N 2009. The conservation status of mammals and avifauna in the Montagne des Français massif, Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 4: 44–51. Vences M, Brown JL, Crottini A, D'Cruze N, Gardner CJ, Miralles A, Raselimanana AP, Raxworthy CJ 2022. Species inventories, biogeography, phylogeography and species formation of reptiles in Madagascar. In The New Natural History of Madagascar, SM Goodman (Ed.), pp. 1442–1445. Princeton University Press, Princeton. Vences M, Andreone F, Brown JL, Crottini A, D'Cruze N, Gardner CJ, Raselimanana AP, Raxworthy CJ, Vieites DR, Wollenberg Valero KC 2022. Species inventories, biogeography, phylogeography and species formation of amphibians in Madagascar. In The New Natural History of Madagascar, SM Goodman (Ed.), pp. 1323–1326. Princeton University Press, Princeton. Veron G, Dupré D, Jennings AP, Woolaver L, Gardner CJ, Hassanin A, Goodman SM. 2017. New insights into the systematics of Malagasy mongoose-like carnivorans (Carnivora, Eupleridae, Galidiinae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 55: 250–264. Vezina BI, Ranaivoson A, Razafimanahaka JH, Andriafidison D, Andrianirina H, Ahamadi K, Gardner CJ 2020 Understanding livelihoods for protected area management: insights from Madagascar. Conservation and Society 18: 327–339. Vielledent G, Gardi O, Grinand C, Burren C, Andriamanjato M, Camara C, Gardner CJ, Glass L, Rasolohery A, Ratsimba HR, Gond V, Rakotoarijaona, JR 2016. Bioclimatic envelope models predict a decrease of tropical forest carbon stocks with tropical forest in Madagascar. Journal of Ecology 104: 703–715. Virah-Sawmy M, Gilson L, Gardner CJ, Anderson A, Clark G, Haberle S 2016. A landscape vulnerability framework for identifying integrated conservation and adaptation pathways to climate change: the case of Madagascar’s spiny forest. Landscape Ecology 31: 637–654. Virah-Sawmy M, Gardner CJ, Ratsifandrihamanana AN 2014. The Durban Vision in practice: experiences in participatory governance of Madagascar’s new protected areas. In Conservation and Environmental Management in Madagascar, I Scales (Ed.), pp. 216–252. Routledge, London. Waeber PO, Gardner CJ, Lourenço W, Wilmé L 2017. On specimen killing in the era of conservation crisis – a quantitative case for modernizing taxonomy and biodiversity inventories. PLoS One 12: e0183903. Walker RCJ, Castellano CM, Ogle M, Rafeliarisoa TH, Rakotondrainy R, Ramahaleo TA, Randriamahazo H, Gardner CJ 2013. Proposed action plan for the conservation of the Madagascar spider tortoise, Pyxis arachnoides. Turtles on the Brink in Madagascar: Proceedings of Two Workshops on the Status, Conservation, and Biology of Malagasy Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles, CM Castellano et al. (Eds.), pp. 153–161. Chelonian Research Monographs 6. Walker RCJ, Gardner CJ, Rafeliarisoa TH, Smith I, Razafimanatsoa R, Louis Jr. EE 2013. Conservation of the Madagascar spider tortoise (Pyxis arachnoides) amid changing land use policy: assessing the spatial coincidence of relict populations with protected areas and mining concessions. In Turtles on the Brink in Madagascar: Proceedings of Two Workshops on the Status, Conservation, and Biology of Malagasy Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles, CM Castellano et al. (Eds.), pp. 135–145. Chelonian Research Monographs 6. Wilmé L, Waeber PO, Moutou F, Gardner CJ, Razafindratsima O, Sparks J, Kull CA, Ferguson B, Lourenço WR, Jenkins PD, Ramamonjisoa L, Burney DA, Lowry II PP 2016. A proposal for ethical research conduct in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 11: 36–39. |